Group of Indvidiuals Icon Research Studies Seeking Participants

Some of our studies are looking for people who have a specific diagnosis (case) and/or people who do not have the diagnosis (control). If you are interested in participating in a study either as a case or as a control, please go to the project page to get more information on how to proceed.

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  • DNA Discovery: Learn About Your Risk for Addiction

    Leading Researcher:
    Danielle Dick, Ph.D.
    Alcohol use disorder, Cannabis, Gambling disorder, Opiates, Opiates and Tobacco use, Substance use disorder

    Are you interested in knowing your risk for addiction – including problems with alcohol, cannabis, nicotine, other drugs, gambling, gaming, social media, and more? The Rutgers Addiction Research Center, directed by…

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  • Motivational interviewing as treatment for patients who smoke and have opiate use disorder

    Leading Researcher:
    Nina Cooperman, Psy.D.
    Opiates and Tobacco use

    Opiate users are frequently also smokers. This project will look at how an intervention targeting smoking will help control opiate use. Participants will receive traditional treatment for both opiate and…

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