Group of Indvidiuals Icon Research Studies Seeking Participants

DNA Discovery: Learn About Your Risk for Addiction

Leading Researcher:
Danielle Dick, Ph.D.
Alcohol use disorder, Cannabis, Gambling disorder, Opiates, Opiates and Tobacco use, Substance use disorder
  • Accepting Cases is accepted

  • Accepting Controls is accepted

Official Title:

DNA Discovery: Learn About Your Risk for Addiction

Are you interested in knowing your risk for addiction – including problems with alcohol, cannabis, nicotine, other drugs, gambling, gaming, social media, and more?

The Rutgers Addiction Research Center, directed by Principal Investigator, Dr. Danielle Dick, PhD, is currently recruiting participants ages 18-25, for a research study to evaluate a newly developed online platform that provides individuals with personalized risk profiles that combine genetic, behavioral, and environmental information.

Participants will receive their personalized risk profile for FREE as well as up to $40 in compensation for completing research surveys to help the study team evaluate the program.

To learn more and sign up, please visit