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Cellular consequences and convergent biology of schizophrenia-associated rare variants in the diverse GPC cohort

Leading Researcher:
Jennifer Mulle, PhD
Specific diagnoses
  • Graduate/Medical Students is accepted

  • Post Docs is accepted

  • Residents is accepted

  • Undergraduates is accepted

Official Title:

Cellular consequences and convergent biology of schizophrenia-associated rare variants in the diverse GPC cohort

Having ascertained and clinically assessed over 65,000 participants (cases and controls) in the Genomic Psychiatry Cohort allows us the unique opportunity to study individuals with highly penetrant rare mutations that, in most cases, cause schizophrenia. We will test the hypothesis that these mutations may converge on shared pathways or targets using induced pluripotent stem cell and induced neuronal cell technologies derived from subject from the GPC with diverse genetic background. The tools and data generated herein will support the mental health field aligning with NIMH priorities, lead to transformative insights into the neurobiology of SZ, and uncover novel targets that may be a launch point for therapeutic discovery.